Quite simply, this made up for all the shit times! The AWOL players, the mud, the rain, the games called off, the broken bones, the latecomers, the filthy kit, the agony of losing, the late refs, the torn muscles, the last minute thrown away games, the dodgy offsides, the Monday morning muddy car interior, the getting lost in South London, the stupid comments from ex-players, the snidey wanker football 'fans' at work, the needing a crap in some dark changing room and there's no bog roll....today, sheer relief emanated from every worn out and knackered body in a Recreativo shirt, jubilation and happiness as we left the pitch having firmly planted the blood red flag fair and squarely into the miserable cold soil of Clapham Common. Phew...
In all honesty, we fancied it today. We look around at ourselves before every game and see a team bursting with talented footballers. We simply have no explanation for our bad run and today seemed to go that extra few yards to grab the game back by the scruff of the neck after going 1-0 down. Miguel and Adam will have to fight for Man of the Match as both fought tirelessly, up and down the pitch, box to box. Max pinched a goal in the opening seconds of the second half and Adam was rewarded for all his hard work, pouncing after Joao's free kick was fumbled by the Chippy keeper. A desperate final ten minutes saw Chippy hit our bar, forcing corner after corner. James dealt with everything thrown at him and led from the back, the whole team back in and around our area, blocking the ball, throwing bodies in the way, tackling as if our very survival depended on it.
Hugs, back slaps, high fives and bloody great smiles, (not seen since the lager drenched team Christmas party), broke out throughout the team as we left the pitch. It meant a lot today. We knew we were so much better than our previous results suggested. The journey home saw our usual stop for Chunky Kit Kats and Lucozade, only Drogba's first goal against the Arse on the radio somewhat souring this delicious victory for the gooners on the back seat. Home to roasted free range chicken, a superb Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon, Fiorentina vs Roma on the box and bed.
Team: James Humpreys, John Megaughin (Bilal Talib Ali), Gregg Morgan, Jimmy Lloyd, Jimmie Gregory (Miguel Morales), Connor Joseph, Adam Bradbury, Joao Spinola, Mario Pisano (Stefan Garcias Fernandez), Nick Candy, Max Bland.
Sicknotes: Chris (leg), Marcus (arm), Lee (kids), Joe (India), Russell (Thailand), Kali (pub).